Cat Cams 5502213 cams Renault Clio, Megane, Scenic F7R, F7P 286°/279°
For: Renault Clio, Megane, Scenic with 1.8 F7P, 2.0 F7R engines
Renault has used different camshaft specifications (1.8L, 2.0L, Clio Williams). Depending on the engine version and application, extra modifications may be required. Cam wheels need to be replaced on Cat Cams CTRE004.
For "conventional" applications where pricing is important , Cat Cams offers a vast range of high quality chilled cast iron camshafts. Typical applications are fast road and moderate competition camshafts. Development of a casting requires high production volumes, so these are only available for a limited number of big volume applications.
For more demanding applications such as dedicated competition projects, the steel billet production line gets in action as well. Beside casting availability, there are some other reasons to prefer steel billet camshafts: gun drilling a 20mm hole over a length of 400mm saves about 1kg. Thanks to this reduction, the weight of Cat Cams steel billets rivals assembled hollow lightweight camshafts. However, the advantage of these 'single piece' steel billets is an important improvement in stiffness and strength, allowing higher acceleration cam profiles.