Link Engine Managment stand alone ecu Xtreme G4 Plus
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The G4+ Xtreme (black) offers the ultimate in engine management.
There are many great new features with the (black box). Here are some to skite about
A beautiful new robust metal enclosure
Integrated mounting bracket that is invisible once mounted (easily unclipped with release holes)
Peak and hold injection, user definable, 4 amp peak, 1 amp hold
Mixture map, closed loop fuel correction. Automatic control via two O2 sensors
OBDII compatibility
Upgrades Are Now Included
E-throttle. Previously an upgrade for the red Xtreme e-throttle is now standard in the G4+ Xtreme black ECU. Use any e-throttle and pedal combination. Fully programmable e-throttle control complete with gear shift control and throttle blips
Knock. Internal digital knock "windowing". Detects knock using factory or after market knock sensors
Logging. Was 15 channels, now 25 channels of logging included
CAN. Now user defined and supports two independent CAN modules
Traction Control. Controlled tyre slip to improve vehicle safety, driveability and performance
Eight saturated injection drives, eight ignition outputs, 11 analog volt inputs, 10 digital inputs, 10 auxiliary outputs *
Four temperature inputs
Two, thirty four pin, waterproof connectors
External, 3, 4, 5 or 7 bar, MAP sensor (sold separately)
CAN / RS232 port
Software - PCLink
Fast tuning with keyboard driven commands
Six hundred pages of help on "right-click"
Powerful logging analysis built into PCLink
Tabbed, user configurable layout12 months guarantee
12 months guarantee